Video installation, 5 videos, 5 Sony Cube Monitor 21 '' inch, 5 pedestals. 2018
Growing up in different cultures formed a melancholic view on the past which is an essential component in my work.
Looking for a place that until now only existed in the mind, I am trying to capture this place or moment in time history by searching for the meaning of my cultural background. The idealisation is a desperate act to glorify a memory that never happened. Showing a video installation where I composed an atmosphere and understanding of this longing feeling to the place that doesn’t exist.
Capturing images spontaneously and intuitively, I work without a set-up plan but from a certain desire and longing feeling.
This way of working provides a direct and honest image. The final works are unaltered which gives the work its strenght.
The five TVs with different videos and sounds create serene images, in which diverse elements from my life come together.
The work is a glimpse in the past and at the same time the thing missing from it is touched slightly on the surface, clear enough
to know that this is a loss that will never return. By making the cultural connection between 2 different worlds
(in this case the Netherlands and Serbia), at the same time it is abstract enough to play with the viewer's imagination.
In June 2018 Jovana graduated and received BFA degree from AKV St.Joost Den Bosch. Amongst the graduation show where she presented her video installation 'Žalost - Život - Želja' she received a nomination for the Van Gogh AiR Prize and the Carat Lucas Gassel Prize. Besides the video installation Jovana made a photobook with the same title. If you want a copy of the book click here.
žalost - život - želja
(droefheid - leven - verlangen)
wanhoop en weemoed doet
verlangen en idealiseren
de constructie van mijn herinnering van het verleden en
de zoektocht naar die ultieme plek in het heden maakt
het verbinden van deze twee werelden
een oneindige metafoor
als ik uit het raam kijk en
zeg, ik weet niet waar ik ben
Žalost - život - želja
(sadness – life – desire )
despair and wistfulness cause
desire and idealization
the construction of my memories from the past and
the search for the ultimate place in the present end in
these 2 worlds connecting
an infinite metaphor
when I look out the window and
see, I dont know where I am.
'Žalost - Život - Želja' Video installation; 5 videos, 5 Sony Cube Monitor 21 '' inch, 5 pedestals Photo Robert Glas